Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day #17 SAHM

Happy Valentine's Day! 
The kids and I spent the majority of today out of the house.  We had W.O.W. this morning, a quick picnic lunch in the car, a doctor's appointment and a few other things.  We came home to packages on the front porch - super exciting!
We are very fortunate to have two sets of parents that think of us all the time and spoil our children :)  Both Grandmas sent the kids Valentine's Boxes which the kids loved opening and eating from!  Thank you Grandma Marx & Grandma Ulrich!

Jodi and I got the kids a new book for each of them. 
Paeton got 'Girls and their Horses' from the American Girl series.  It has 24 horse trading cards and 2 posters.  She loved it!
Evan got 'Spot Goes to the Farm' - he LOVES Spot books.
I also received a book.  My new small group bible study book, 'One in a Million'.  Gotta love Amazon!
Nothing exciting for dinner - just leftovers and time with each other.  Hope everyone enjoys loving on their families today!

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