Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween Party!

Saturday afternoon, we hosted a few of our friends and their kiddos for a pre-Trick or Treat party at our house. Menomonee Falls scheduled their 'trick or treat' from 5-8:30pm while other towns scheduled theirs in the middle of the day making it hard for those who have young children napping at that time. So...we invited those friends over to celebrate with us and it was a ton of fun. This picture shows Paeton waiting for her friends to arrive wearing her trick or treat bucket on her head. She's really into hats these days...

Calvin wondering why Baby Lincoln is always sleeping?

The Lavin twins eating some serious pizza.

Paeton also stuffing her face with pizza.

Here's the crew in front of our house getting ready to depart. Left to Right: Brooke the snow princess, Clayton the dinosaur raptor thing?, Paeton the pink flower, Austin and Cole the twin frogs, Lilly the fairy bunny princess? and Calvin the tiger. Such a cute crew.

Paeton was such a good sport about wearing this beautiful costume from her NJ grandparents. This picture will make the lineup for her wedding slideshow for sure!

First stop: our neighbors house, The Daileys. I think we were their only trick or treaters for the night.

Second stop. I just love how this picture shows off Mike's Big Mack costume.
Paeton really loved checking out her treats.

Our crew.
Making sure Paeton was warm enough.

We were an overwhelming crowd at everyone's doorstep.

Finally warming up at the Stanley's house. We tried to get all the kiddos in one shot on the staircase. It didn't work out so well...
Thanks to everyone who came over and celebrated with us - it was a ton of fun!
Happy Halloween 2009!

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